From 2006-06 back to 2006-01

June, 2006

Brisbane Thai Restaurant


You Will Set Goals!

Very detailed and serious comparison of functional and imperative programming styles

How the 'ref' keyword affects the use of objects

What does 'yep' mean, exactly?

The Top 0 Things You Should Know About Nothing

A friend is getting into .Net -- what's the best thing to read??

Collation Is Evil

6 Tools for Documentation++

May, 2006

Visual Poetry Studio 2005

Why Worry? (Ajax Edition)

Marketing Weasels Who Write Code

ReDim for C#, using Generics

Amphetamines for Query Analyser

Why Worry? (Programmer's Edition)

New Invention: The EzyFridge

How the Australian Tax Changes Will Affect Your 'Take Home' Pay

VB.Net Tip: IIF is a function, not a language feature

TimeSnapper 2.0 is near to completion

The Actual Minimum Every Gmail User Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (Excuses welcome)

April, 2006

a secretSneak to the quiet readers of secretGeek...

how reddit encourages mediocrity.

Tip o the day: Copy Text from MessageBox/Msgbox

VS2005 Tip: Which file am I working on?

FTL: Faster than Light -- Functional Text Language

March, 2006

Fajax -- the fake alternative to ajax

Latt blixt tycka om litvak.

Dirty Larry

VB 6 Developers, lend me an err...

Ultra Mobile PC: A Boon to Private Health

Early Screenshot Technology

Never BCC an Idiot.

Big In Japan!

A moment to reflect

Get On Up!

Damn that's one ugly customer!

February, 2006

10 Ways to boost the Zen of Paint: Suggested improvements in MS Paint

I think you're coming back for more than just the hunting

Thought Game

Discoverable feeds for the not-so-liberal

seXml: a very dirty little dialect

What does XML look like on other planets?

Miscommunication Grows Faster than Communication

The Face of Ruby on Rails

Quick Prototyping Technique

How Contextual Help Works in Visual Studio 2003

Launch the Code Editor on startup

January, 2006

Printing 'Console' Screenshots? Save your Toner/Ink

Marked up: Finalists for the 16th Annual Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Awards

Tip: MS Paint Power User -- Setting Line Thickness

Tip: Don't Want Outlook Notification About EVERY email?


Thought for the day

rescued by timeSnapper

Copy, Copy, Copy, Paste: PowerToy Needed.

Where's my damn robot?

the SecretMaker

It's raining B&B's

Suspicious Mail

(See also: All years or all categories or the complete list of articles)