Lost Treasures of the DOS World: tree!
I luckily stumbled onto a long forgotten gem today -- the Tree
command in DOS.
What does tree do?
Tree promises to:
"Graphically display the directory structure of a drive or path."
Here's the output of tree called on the obj
folder of a .net project, for example:
� +---temp
� +---TempPE
It's awesome to see the Graphical power of DOS unleashed!
Here it is with the marvelous 'f' parameter, that also shows files...
>tree /f
� � AboSoftLib.dll
� � AboSoftLib.pdb
� � TSLib.dll
� � TSLib.pdb
� � TSLib.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
� � TSLib.xml
� �
� +---temp
� +---TempPE
� TSLib.dll
� TSLib.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
� TSLib.xml
What joy!
(Now where was I? Ah yes, about to install nc)
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