Category: commandline
(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)
Productivity with Powershell: Grab your agenda from outlook as plain text
5 minutes to import CSV to a database: What do you do?
twitter, html, editor, tools, microsoft, UX, microISV, powershell, social network, nimbletext, ideas rat, sql, commandline
React is NOT ok
Using "ok" as a Project Control Room
2018 By The Numbers
twitter, working blue, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, linguistics, amazon, social network, productivity, javascript, nimbletext, commandline, robots
I have some feedback for you...
twitter, working blue, blog, microsoft, amazon, sysadmin, social network, javascript, sql, commandline
How do you get things done?
twitter, html, working blue, agile, editor, it industry, blog, microsoft, UX, legal, security, education, amazon, apple, google, facebook, [code], social network, productivity, games, ideas rat, australia, commandline, functional
The Book Is Ready
I'm .ok you're .ok: introducing folder profiles for bash and powershell
Your photos are a mess! Maybe this PowerShell script can help
Navigating at the command line
How to get in the zone
Publishing on Amazon: Lakes Creek Adventures
The Ultimate Star Wars t-shirt
6 different ways to run an core web application
Post Slackathon Wrap up
Less than 3 days until the Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon.
twitter, tools, blog, microsoft, microISV, powershell, google, [code], social network, nimbletext, commandline
The Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon
amazon, australia, blog, [code], commandline, facebook, functional, games, google, hanselman, html, it industry, javascript, mercurial, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, social network, tools, twitter, UX
Hosting an infinite number of apps in the cloud for free, on your own domains.
Today I Learned
npm is not just for node... npm is for EVERYTHING
Console Is Forever
The Secret Life of Connection Strings In Oracle! (Oracle DBA's Hate Me.)
[code], color, commandline, functional, linguistics, powershell, security, sql, sysadmin, UX, working blue
The Laggard's Guide to Getting Started with 5 Using Yeoman.
html, editor, tools, it industry, blog, microsoft, UX, linguistics, powershell, [code], javascript, hanselman, australia, css, commandline
Writing Your First Mercurial Extension
UPDATE a table using a JOIN to another table (or to itself)
How Businesses Are Actually Structured.
A console.log() adventure
[code], color, commandline, editor, facebook, games, html, javascript, microISV, nimbletext, [ruby], social network, tools, twitter, working blue
Sweating the Small Stuff
amazon, atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, google, html, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, productivity, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX
Using the commandline to write a book
Hacking Hyperink (aka. changing the font-size of an Epub on Kobo)
How Bundling Doubled The Income of ''
Boothby, a personal database
Humans: A Tragedy.
Programming The Robot from Diary of a Wimpy Kid
The Shape of Your Irrationality
CRUMBS! Commandline navigation tool for Powershell
Extracting a Trello board as markdown
hgs: Manage Lots of Mercurial Projects Simultaneously
AddDays: A Very Simple Date Calculator
[code], color, commandline, it industry, javascript, microsoft, powershell, productivity, sql, tools
Art of the command-line helper
Go and read a book.
aaron swartz: the early works
Finding (and removing) duplicate files on your hard drive
Harvey, a .net chat server built with RabbitMQ
[code], color, commandline, css, functional, html, it industry, microsoft, movie, rabbitmq, security, sql, tools, UX
kv can remember it for you, wholesale
Developer UI Done Right: Mercurial Commandline!
Mind-boggling Demo of New Gaming Genre, aka Folder-Based Hangman, aka Fun with Recursion
NimbleText: Origins
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, productivity, [ruby], social network, sql, toolbar, tools, twitter, UX, visual basic
Custom Errors in ASP.Net MVC: It couldn't be simpler, right?
Boring article about fixing a 'Login failed... untrusted domain' issue when connecting to SQL Server.
The 'less crashy' release of NimbleText
blog, [code], commandline, google, hanselman, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, security, social network, tools, twitter
The NO Visual Studio movement: Compiling .net projects in Notepad++
[code], color, commandline, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, microISV, nimbletext, productivity, sql, tools, visual basic
Grabbing the free songs of Jonathan Coulton (with Powershell)
atwood, blog, color, commandline, html, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, security, tools
DOS on Dope: The last MVC web framework you'll ever need
24 things to do, and 100 things *not* to do (yet) for building a MicroISV
blog, color, commandline, css, google, html, it industry, legal, microISV, social network, sql, sysadmin, tools, twitter
Suggested User Experience Improvements for DiffMerge
SQL Style Extensions for C#
Sysi: the ultimate administrators toolkit
The secretGeek Disaster Recovery plan
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, html, it industry, microsoft, powershell, productivity, security, social network, tools, twitter
God No! ...The ReBuilder
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, education, facebook, google, hanselman, html, [ruby], social network, sql, twitter, working blue
Really deep linking: Url + regex
Your next text editor is... MetaNote!
apple, blog, [code], color, commandline, editor, google, hanselman, ideas rat, microsoft, podcast, powershell, toolbar, tools
Further proof that testing is for wimps and bad programmers
Found Time!
Give and Take in the Software Industry
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, color, commandline, editor, education, food, functional, google, html, it industry, legal, mercurial, microsoft, productivity, regex, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, visual basic, working blue
baby steps in microsoft robotics studio...
apple, [code], commandline, editor, education, functional, games, html, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, robots, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, UX
Worst. Bug. Ever.
Growing Up Geek (A Hanselmeme)
Simple Trouble Shooting Application Now Fixes Everything
apple, coffee, commandline, google, hanselman, it industry, javascript, microISV, microsoft, security, sql, tools, UX
A magic goal for software businesses
Lost Treasures of the DOS World: tree!
How to be Jeff Atwood
A truly original thought
Wiki as Text Adventure Game
F### yeh! i still got it baby!
Your Brain, And the Effects of Syntax Highlighting
Step 5 of 25 to Building a Micro-ISV: Install traffic monitoring on your web site
amazon, blog, [code], commandline, games, google, legal, life hacks, microISV, microsoft, productivity, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX, working blue
General Purpose Programming Language... Good For Nothing?
blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, ideas rat, it industry, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, regex, [ruby], sql, tools, UX, visual basic, working blue
A weird casestudy in technical research
World's Simplest Code Generator: implemented in pure Javascript
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, tools
Sick Of Being Nagged to Restart, Every 10 Minutes After An Update?
Portable Open Persona
The Truth About Attention Deficit Dis... Oh, new mail.
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, commandline, games, google, html, it industry, legal, microISV, microsoft, powershell, security, tools, working blue
TimeSnapper -- Feature Comparison
Scheming on the Pocket PC
Step 3 of 25 -- Design Your Website
agile, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, javascript, microISV, microsoft, ocr, patents, powershell, sql, sysadmin, tools, working blue
10 "Million-Dollar-Ideas" from
commandline, css, editor, functional, html, linguistics, microsoft, powershell, [ruby], visual basic, working blue
Powershell on Rails -- MonadRail!
amazon, blog, [code], color, commandline, hanselman, html, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, [ruby], working blue
Remove Duplicate Rows From A Text File Using Powershell
Is there a general solution to string templating?
blog, [code], commandline, html, ideas rat, linguistics, nimbletext, powershell, regex, sql, working blue
Remove empty lines from a file using Powershell.
How to Sneak .net 2.0 into an organization
And Microsoft has Won
blog, coffee, commandline, functional, google, html, linguistics, microsoft, powershell, productivity, [ruby]
Whose Month is it anyway?
A Kilo of Days Ground
ShinyPower Now Opensource
PowerTools for Powershell
F# -- the 3 minute guide!
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, education, functional, html, it industry, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tools, UX
syntactic sweeteners, part ][
sweet syntactic sugar
Concurrent Tautologys (all happening together at once)
amazon, blog, commandline, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, [ruby], tools
What next for the 3 minute guides??
Babysteps in WATIR
Babysteps in PowerShell part deux: Variables! Real Proper Variables!
An Absolute Beginner's Babysteps In PowerShell...
[code], color, commandline, css, education, hanselman, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, patents, podcast, powershell, tools
6 Tools for Documentation++
Fajax -- the fake alternative to ajax
Discoverable feeds for the not-so-liberal
What does XML look like on other planets?
Printing 'Console' Screenshots? Save your Toner/Ink
Unposted thoughts and SkunkWorks
Lessons from Amazon referrals
Software Hurts The Mind
the Best of secretGeek
amazon, blog, color, commandline, html, javascript, methodology, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
TODO Driven Development: Build-Integration
What is so scary about DLINQ?
The brain is not strongly typed
Gradient Maker
I am well chuffed
Today's HOT Dos Tip...
Rule Number 1: Give Me Screenshots.
SO... Should I waste my time getting an MCAD? (I hear you ask)
Spolsky Madness!
Not So Stunning Sentences
Impress your geeky colleagues with clever tips and hidden treasures
Faster than the speed of blog
Coder to Developer: to the rescue again
Stuckness: other Delicious news
How to be depressed
Need a definition? Use a dictionary, not Google.
A short note about Albert Einstein
What is a geek?
Graphic design for engineers: the logo
Why Am I Here?
How Microsoft Lost the Joel War
MMMS: A Map of My Mind-Space
Embedded-Sql without Sql-Injection
A Gift Bag For New Programmers...
Writer's Block, Geek-Block, and Procrastination
Three Good Rules
Three -=FAT=- tips
Just keep zooming -- the resolution never degrades.
You are NOT inadequate.
Going Full Circle: Using "Commands"
Roy's Competition: Some Suggested Add-Ins for Visual Studio.Net
amazon, blog, color, commandline, editor, games, google, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
I am not worthy
Stupid Code To The Rescue!
.Net Remoting: the Quick and Dirty Guide
visual basic, editor, microsoft, UX, security, linguistics, tdd, amazon, [code], sql, commandline, functional
Technical Year In review
SiteMap for secretGeek
blog, color, commandline, editor, education, guest column, html, linguistics, methodology, microsoft, ocr, tdd, tools, UX
Network Stuff
Essential Software for Geeks and Power Browsers
The Lost Art of Batch Programming
(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)