F### yeh! i still got it baby!
lukeh put out an elegant F# mandelbrot program, that gives this output to the console:#
# ##########
####### ######################
######### ######################
######### ######################
####### ######################
# ##########
i tinkered with it, just to see if i could understand how it was working...
I turned the output into this:
000011222222222222222233333334455679 97544443322222211111111111
000112222222222222233333344567777899 99875559433222221111111111
001122222222222223333444455699 99 99999943222222111111111
001222222222223344444445557999 9654322222211111111
0122222223334469666666666799 9894332222221111111
022233333344456999999998899 975332222222111111
02333333444456799 99 964333222222111111
0333335555679999 9 754333222222111111
0 97654333222222111111
0333335555679999 9 754333222222111111
02333333444456799 99 964333222222111111
022233333344456999999998899 975332222222111111
0122222223334469666666666799 9894332222221111111
001222222222223344444445557999 9654322222211111111
001122222222222223333444455699 99 99999943222222111111111
000112222222222222233333344567777899 99875559433222221111111111
000011222222222222222233333334455679 97544443322222211111111111
I think i'm getting the hang of it!
I love learning by doing... you change a little bit and then you run it again... then you tweak something else and you see what happens...
Here's my minor variation on luke's code Only difference:
i noticed he was saying "a * a" in one place, which is very cumbersome and repetitive [ ;-) ] -- so i implemented a custom 'squared' operator in there, using this name for the operator: '!!!!!@**'
Now instead of getting sore wrists typing out something as long winded and error prone as "a * a", i could simply say ( !!!!!@** a ) and F# would treat this as a * a.
Also, i reversed the 'colours', showing how many iterations it takes the function to 'escape' the inner circle from a given point. (i did know some maths stuff once upon a time y'know).
(I wrote a 'min' function in there too. i know there'd be one implemented already, but i'm trying to do simple tinkering here ;-) )
Your mission!
Next step: do the same thing rendering pixels to a bitmap instead... then i could try breaking that up amongst multiple cores... no... sleep time.
The interested reader is invited to finish this problem for me ;-)
Also -- here it is side on!
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000111222223334943332222211100000000000000000 00000000011112222222333336963333322222221111000000000000 00000111112222222223333356965333332222222221111100000000 00011111222222222223334456965443332222222222211111000000 11111112222222222233444567 76544433222222222221111111000 11111222222222222344445999 99954444322222222222211111110 1111222222222222346666799 9976666432222222222221111111 11122222222222234568999 99986543222222222222111111 1122222222222334446799 9976444332222222222211111 112222222222333444699 996444333222222222211111 1222222222333344456799 9976544433332222222221111 12222222333334455667899 99876655443333322222221111 2222222333334555799 9 9 9975554333332222222111 222223333334699999 999996433333322222111 22223333344579 97544333332222111 222233344456799 997654443332222111 2223344459789 9879544433222111 1223976789 9 9 9876793221111 122345899 9 9 998543221111 11233496799999 99999769433211111 11223334445689 98654443332211111 111223333445579 975544333322111111 111122233344579 9 9 9 975443332221111111 1111122223334698668 9999766679999 8668964333222211111111 11111112222233344444544444444444544444333222221111111111 11111111222222222333333333333333333322222222211111111111 11111111112222222222222222222222222222222221111111111111 11111111111112222222222222222222222222221111111111111111 11111111111111111222222222222222222211111111111111111111Next → ← Previous
My book "Choose Your First Product" is available now.
It gives you 4 easy steps to find and validate a humble product idea.
Josh on December 21, 2007 23:40 sez:
Ok, so I accepted your challenge, but after I was finished I realized there was no good way to get the information to you. So... I created a "temporary" blog for the sole purpose of getting you the goods of the program. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
p.s. The website link included is a direct link to said posting.