A short note about Albert Einstein

Final thought for the day, taken from the book "Creative Intelligence"

Umm? Way to go, Einstein.

Yes. Must remember this piece of trivia for my planned encyclopaedic tome, "Bathing Habits of the Great Thinkers."


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mike on September 23, 2004 09:09 sez:

FWIW, Paul Erdos, the mathematician, was even wackier. You'll want to add him to your list of great thinkers to research:

"A mathematical genius of the first order, Paul ErdΓΆs was totally obsessed with his subject--he thought and wrote mathematics for nineteen hours a day until the day he died. He traveled constantly, living out of a plastic bag, and had no interest in food, sex, companionship, art--all that is usually indispensable to a human life." (Oliver Sacks)

anonymous on September 23, 2004 22:22 sez:

Richard Feynman's book - "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" - has a story of how he decides on one flavour of ice cream (vanilla I believe) so he never has to make that decision again...

Hilton Giesenow on November 02, 2004 23:26 sez:

The same can definitely not be said about Don Box et al.

mr.x on January 13, 2010 04:20 sez:


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