Category: hanselman

(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)

The Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon

The Laggard's Guide to Getting Started with 5 Using Yeoman.

Solving An Air-gapped Traffic Mystery

The dumbest thing that could possibly work

Happy new year 2014

Line Endings.

Finding (and removing) duplicate files on your hard drive

The Correct Order for a First Time Viewing of The Lord Of The Rings

MVC 3, "Third Times a Charm" references

The 'less crashy' release of NimbleText

Rethinking Toolbars in Visual Studio (or any IDE)

God No! ...The ReBuilder

The Utterly Thorough Guide To Awesome Application Compatibility on Windows 7.

Your next text editor is... MetaNote!

Further proof that testing is for wimps and bad programmers

8 ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.

MVC Zen Garden

Growing Up Geek (A Hanselmeme)

Downloadable Slide-decks: "Build your own Tiny Software Company"/"F# eye for the C# guy"

Simple Trouble Shooting Application Now Fixes Everything

secretGeek at Tech-Ed: "How to build your own Tiny Software Company"

Bambrick versus Hanselman: Bring it!

Leaky Abstractions? Try Asp.Net!

What To (Really) Do If You Find Out Your Parents Are Using Vista (redux)

sg: as seen in print!


Visual Studio News Channel: Give Hanselman a Go!

World's Simplest Code Generator: implemented in pure Javascript

What a week in source code!

Diabetes promo ends in 5 minutes

TimeSnapper Diabetes Promotion Ending Soon!

Fight Diabetes with TimeSnapper

Powershell on Rails -- MonadRail!

A Faster Ruby.

Podcasts I like

TimeSnapper 2.2 -- Auto Popup? That sounds terrible!

25 steps for building a Micro-ISV

Gunderloy, Spolsky, Atwood: three big idiots.

ShinyPower Now Opensource

Australia in a state of mourning

PowerTools for Powershell

Why Geeks are Freaks

Concurrent Tautologys (all happening together at once)

Babysteps in WATIR

An Absolute Beginner's Babysteps In PowerShell...




Pay Day for the Ideas Rat

So you've got GMail

Your Help is Needed

For the Love of God, Enter this Damn Competition Already!

(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)