Fight Diabetes with TimeSnapper

Special Offer! We haven't done a special offer before, so please forgive me if I'm not very good at this.
For two weeks, starting now, if you purchase TimeSnapper Professional (US$39.95) (direct download here), we'll donate half the ticket price to help Team Hanselman Fight Diabetes.
So the American Diabetes Association are trying to cure diabetes. It's obviously a noble goal, but I think it's also an achievable goal, and it will be one of those gifts that never stop giving.
At a more personal level, as many of you know, my friend and longtime supporter of TimeSnapper, Scott Hanselman battles this nasty condition every day. It permeates every moment of his life -- and even wakes him from his sleep. (Check out this transcript showing what he went through on one fairly typical day.) I mean this is seriously intrusive stuff!
You can of course also make a direct donation, which will be tax deductible.
(At a deeper level I grapple with two personal problems here: 1. Why help diabetes in particular, i.e. "when the world is so full of good causes why choose this one?" to which i say, it's better to help someone right now than to hold out until you find the perfect cause. and 2. Am I an evil bastard because if, for example, this 'promotion' increases sales and I end up making more money than I would've without doing this? This one has me stumped -- and has caused some delay before going ahead with the promo. How about i agree to show a report on how the sales rate compared over these two weeks with the preceeding weeks, so that we can decide together if we've used Scott's illness for our own gain, and then we can investigate the moral aspect of it at that point from a real point, not one of pure speculation. So with those concerns aside, the promo is on, and you're invited to take part! Yes, i still overthink things ;-) )
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