Category: microsoft
(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)
Stashy is a Really simple Key Value store
2019 By The Numbers
twitter, html, working blue, tools, blog, microsoft, color, microISV, amazon, apple, social network, productivity, javascript, games, australia, css
5 minutes to import CSV to a database: What do you do?
twitter, html, editor, tools, microsoft, UX, microISV, powershell, social network, nimbletext, ideas rat, sql, commandline
Secrets of Mastering Excel
TimeSnapper for Mac: Beta Testers Needed
2018 By The Numbers
twitter, working blue, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, linguistics, amazon, social network, productivity, javascript, nimbletext, commandline, robots
I have some feedback for you...
twitter, working blue, blog, microsoft, amazon, sysadmin, social network, javascript, sql, commandline
How do you get things done?
twitter, html, working blue, agile, editor, it industry, blog, microsoft, UX, legal, security, education, amazon, apple, google, facebook, [code], social network, productivity, games, ideas rat, australia, commandline, functional
I'm .ok you're .ok: introducing folder profiles for bash and powershell
2017 by the Numbers
twitter, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, social network, productivity, nimbletext, ideas rat, functional
2016 by the numbers:
The Joy of Making Simple Edits to Microsoft's Docs
6 different ways to run an core web application
Improvements to the Way MessageBox works, in latest Service Pack for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1
Post Slackathon Wrap up
Less than 3 days until the Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon.
twitter, tools, blog, microsoft, microISV, powershell, google, [code], social network, nimbletext, commandline
The Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon
amazon, australia, blog, [code], commandline, facebook, functional, games, google, hanselman, html, it industry, javascript, mercurial, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, social network, tools, twitter, UX
npm is not just for node... npm is for EVERYTHING
Console Is Forever
The Laggard's Guide to Getting Started with 5 Using Yeoman.
html, editor, tools, it industry, blog, microsoft, UX, linguistics, powershell, [code], javascript, hanselman, australia, css, commandline
Fixing Keyboard Functionality on MacBook Air after Upgrading to Windows 10.
Writing Your First Mercurial Extension
Pun-a-day service
Sweating the Small Stuff
amazon, atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, google, html, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, productivity, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX
NimbleSET 2.0: Death to the VLOOKUP!
Two Flies! Bet Now!
OfficeQuest... Gamification for the Office Suite
Happy new year 2014
A flowchart of what programmers do at work all day
Interview with an Ex-Microsoftie.
hgs: Manage Lots of Mercurial Projects Simultaneously
You Must Get It!
AddDays: A Very Simple Date Calculator
[code], color, commandline, it industry, javascript, microsoft, powershell, productivity, sql, tools
NimbleText 1.9 -- BoomTown!
Line Endings.
Harvey, a .net chat server built with RabbitMQ
[code], color, commandline, css, functional, html, it industry, microsoft, movie, rabbitmq, security, sql, tools, UX
So your domain has been stolen. What now?
Dialog Between a Man and His Vista Laptop
Rediscovering the Amstrad CPC 6128
Mind-boggling Demo of New Gaming Genre, aka Folder-Based Hangman, aka Fun with Recursion
NimbleText: Origins
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, productivity, [ruby], social network, sql, toolbar, tools, twitter, UX, visual basic
The Windows 8 Mullet
Introducing Cosby, spontaneous striped background generator
Slides from WDCNZ: Live Coding MVC3
MVC 3, "Third Times a Charm" references
Custom Errors in ASP.Net MVC: It couldn't be simpler, right?
Boring article about fixing a 'Login failed... untrusted domain' issue when connecting to SQL Server.
The 'less crashy' release of NimbleText
blog, [code], commandline, google, hanselman, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, security, social network, tools, twitter
Rethinking Toolbars in Visual Studio (or any IDE)
Mercurial workflow for personal projects (with a .net bias)
I see you're using vim. Let me fix that for you.
A thank you I forgot to say
Grabbing the free songs of Jonathan Coulton (with Powershell)
atwood, blog, color, commandline, html, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, security, tools
SQLike: A simple editor
Fractal Feedback, a diversion into recreational programming
Sysi: the ultimate administrators toolkit
Movie: Priest Academy
The secretGeek Disaster Recovery plan
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, html, it industry, microsoft, powershell, productivity, security, social network, tools, twitter
zen-coding: turn those CSS selectors upside down
Debugging: It's all about finding Albuquerque.
Windows Search in Japan
Matt, The Office Mortar
'Outlook style' rules for Subversion
hExcel -- A Hexagonal Spreadsheet
The Utterly Thorough Guide To Awesome Application Compatibility on Windows 7.
Recursing over the Pareto Principle...
A Non Warning, from Windows XP
In the enterprise, nothing is what it seems
Your next text editor is... MetaNote!
apple, blog, [code], color, commandline, editor, google, hanselman, ideas rat, microsoft, podcast, powershell, toolbar, tools
My code would suck less if...
A 3 minute guide to embedding IronPython in a C# application
8 ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.
Can You Cure the Copy/Paste Disease?
Don't make 'readonly' fields less readable
It's 2009 already -- where's my damn internet-based IDE??
Give and Take in the Software Industry
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, color, commandline, editor, education, food, functional, google, html, it industry, legal, mercurial, microsoft, productivity, regex, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, visual basic, working blue
baby steps in microsoft robotics studio...
apple, [code], commandline, editor, education, functional, games, html, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, robots, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, UX
Hang in there, little buddy
An Open, Federated Award Ceremony
3 differences between 'Small Business' and 'Enterprise'
MVC Zen Garden
Downloadable Slide-decks: "Build your own Tiny Software Company"/"F# eye for the C# guy"
Simple Trouble Shooting Application Now Fixes Everything
apple, coffee, commandline, google, hanselman, it industry, javascript, microISV, microsoft, security, sql, tools, UX
secretGeek at Tech-Ed: "How to build your own Tiny Software Company"
Bambrick versus Hanselman: Bring it!
The Greatest Chalk Talk Known To Man: 'Better than a license to print money: Build Your Own Tiny Software Company'
Alan Kay on 'The Camel has Two Humps'
Idea: a poor man's eye-tracking heatmap for win forms
'The Register' seems to have plagiarised Mary Jo Foley
Fixing problems can give you a glimpse of something terrible
Do they store the code for TFS in TFS?
Sudden TimeSnapper Discount!
How Can Microsoft Beat Google?
21 tools used in our MicroISV
Should Linq To Sql Go "Open Source"?
Redux: New Synchronisation Idea Overlooked By Microsoft
New Synchronisation Idea Overlooked By Microsoft Live team
Visual Studio UX Taskforce, Office UX Taskforce... etc.
What To (Really) Do If You Find Out Your Parents Are Using Vista (redux)
atwood, blog, [code], google, hanselman, html, it industry, legal, microISV, microsoft, security, sql, tools, UX
What To Do If You Find Out Your Parents Are Using Vista
TimeSnapper 3.0 -- an interactive, bubbling cauldron of possibilities
Google AppEngine: evil virus or viral evil?
Workflow software: I'm calling the bluff.
F# Eye for the C# guy
Anonymous Methods: Now that's a dumb name!
Wiki as Text Adventure Game
How To Win At Negotiation
secretGeek: Predictions for 2008
apple, [code], facebook, functional, google, ideas rat, it industry, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, social network
How To Re-Start A Blog
Nerdgasm 101
Bug Eyed VS2008 Guy Freaks Me Out
Fuzzy Search: Check this out and report back please, o lazy web.
Idea: Ribbon Bar Item Finder
Challenge: Changing the stored credentials on 64 instances of IIS every 30 days
SecretGeek: live and dangerous!!
Revolutionary (versus Evolutionary) Code Generation
Fix and continue in Smalltalk
Designer vs Developer
Fluidic APIs are stupid... NOT!
Your Brain, And the Effects of Syntax Highlighting
Which came first... the domain model or the human?
My First WPF Application - A visual tour
blog, cartoon, [code], editor, facebook, html, microsoft, nimbletext, social network, sql, tools, UX, visual basic
Visual Studio News Channel: Give Hanselman a Go!
How to block websites that kill your productivity.
blog, [code], facebook, html, microISV, microsoft, movie, podcast, productivity, robots, social network, tools
Go Don Syme!! Go F#!!
The future of microsoft development
The Inaugural TimeSnapper Professional 'MikeG.Next' Honorary Award Of Linkblogging Excellence
Step 5 of 25 to Building a Micro-ISV: Install traffic monitoring on your web site
amazon, blog, [code], commandline, games, google, legal, life hacks, microISV, microsoft, productivity, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX, working blue
Brisbane .Net Developers: Interested in MOSS integration or K2 Workflow?
General Purpose Programming Language... Good For Nothing?
blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, ideas rat, it industry, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, regex, [ruby], sql, tools, UX, visual basic, working blue
A weird casestudy in technical research
The Next Mike Gunderloy
Look at all the things I'm NOT doing!
World's Simplest Code Generator: implemented in pure Javascript
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, tools
Scoop: Microsoft Expression Suite To Run On Apple Computers!
Microsoft Expression Family... WTF?
Exec Inline AddIn for Visual Studio 2005 -- Get It Now
Sick Of Being Nagged to Restart, Every 10 Minutes After An Update?
What a week in source code!
That Shakespeare Loved His Code
apple, blog, google, html, it industry, linguistics, methodology, microsoft, [ruby], security, tools
do you want a server farm with that bottle of milk?
Choosing between Apple, Microsoft and Linux
Perfect Productivity with TimeSnapper 2.4 Don't Blame Microsoft, Blame Jason Weber
The Yerkes-whatzy law of who now?
Translating a little bit of (microsoft) double talk...
The Truth About Attention Deficit Dis... Oh, new mail.
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, commandline, games, google, html, it industry, legal, microISV, microsoft, powershell, security, tools, working blue
Silverlight, Apollo... Lock In?
An Open Letter To Scott Guthrie.
Step 3 of 25 -- Design Your Website
agile, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, javascript, microISV, microsoft, ocr, patents, powershell, sql, sysadmin, tools, working blue
10 "Million-Dollar-Ideas" from
commandline, css, editor, functional, html, linguistics, microsoft, powershell, [ruby], visual basic, working blue
Powershell on Rails -- MonadRail!
amazon, blog, [code], color, commandline, hanselman, html, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, [ruby], working blue
Windows Updates Make Me Nervous
How Naming Works At Microsoft
Agile and Test-Driven: A Marriage Made In Hell?
ISV: Independent of what?
TimeSnapper 2.3: Extract Text Using Optical Character Recognition
Step 2 of 25 to Building a Micro-ISV: Reliable Hosting
australia, blog, education, google, legal, microISV, microsoft, ocr, patents, [ruby], sql, sysadmin, tools, UX
Podcasts I like
Lifelogging? Think!
TimeSnapper 2.2 -- Auto Popup? That sounds terrible!
Five More Things You Didn't Need To Know
How to Sneak .net 2.0 into an organization
What percent of normal people have the .net framework installed?
Download It Now! Exec Inline: A VS2003 add-in that lets you run a chunk of code
Three Laws of Software Development
Predictions for 2007
Thanks for a genuine belly chuckle, Joel
Download NextAction: Updated
In Vista, final step of installation launches YOU!!
Gunderloy, Spolsky, Atwood: three big idiots.
atwood, blog, cartoon, education, hanselman, html, ideas rat, microsoft, movie, ocr, productivity, [ruby], UX
Deadlocks: What would Feynman do?
And Microsoft has Won
blog, coffee, commandline, functional, google, html, linguistics, microsoft, powershell, productivity, [ruby]
How To Be A Couple Of Micro-ISV People On Opposite Sides of the World
Passwords in Sql Server 2000 are Case Insensitive by default -- WTF?
A Very Simple .net Model View Controller
Concurrency Bug in all editions of Visual Studio
Demo: Exec-Inline, an Add-in that executes the currently selected code, immediately
Switching off the OS
ShinyPower Now Opensource
Annotating Your Code with Simple Tests
Realtime CSS Editor -- with thanks to SquareFree.
The Truth About Lisp
Transparency In Vista
TimeSnapper 2 Goes Live!
The absolute most fun activity in the world
PowerTools for Powershell
Why Geeks are Freaks
Boolean Operators Missing From Cell Expressions In Excel?
F# -- the 3 minute guide!
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, education, functional, html, it industry, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tools, UX
BabySteps In WPF And XAML
Tech.Ed Sydney
Concurrent Tautologys (all happening together at once)
amazon, blog, commandline, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, [ruby], tools
What next for the 3 minute guides??
Babysteps in WATIR
3 Examples from the Future of CSS
Web 2.0: Something's Missing
An Absolute Beginner's Babysteps In PowerShell...
[code], color, commandline, css, education, hanselman, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, patents, podcast, powershell, tools
amazon, blog, [code], color, css, editor, html, javascript, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, sql, tools
Visual Poetry Studio 2005
Marketing Weasels Who Write Code
How the Australian Tax Changes Will Affect Your 'Take Home' Pay
VB.Net Tip: IIF is a function, not a language feature
Tip o the day: Copy Text from MessageBox/Msgbox
FTL: Faster than Light -- Functional Text Language
html, visual basic, working blue, tools, microsoft, color, linguistics, [code], javascript, ideas rat, css, functional
Fajax -- the fake alternative to ajax
Ultra Mobile PC: A Boon to Private Health
Big In Japan!
Get On Up!
10 Ways to boost the Zen of Paint: Suggested improvements in MS Paint
I think you're coming back for more than just the hunting
Marked up: Finalists for the 16th Annual Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Awards
agile, australia, editor, functional, google, it industry, microsoft, nimbletext, productivity, [ruby], security, sql, tdd, tools, UX
Tip: Don't Want Outlook Notification About EVERY email?
No shortage of Punny Titles over at the Monad centre
Microsoft to give away Windows for Free... (maybe)
Obstacles To International Development
Pay Day for the Ideas Rat
html, editor, tools, blog, microsoft, UX, movie, apple, google, ideas rat, hanselman, australia, css
Is MS Windows ready for the desktop?
Comparison of three Ajax Portals
Five Ways To Play Nice with 'Live.Com'
Messenger Disgruntlement
the Best of secretGeek
amazon, blog, color, commandline, html, javascript, methodology, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
What is so scary about DLINQ?
LINQ love
Infinity LIMITed
Eric Sink deserves the Garry Kasparov Medal of Strategic Brilliance!
Brisbane .NET Developer Position
This Comptometric Age
Schnippetize your life
Holes In Team Foundation Server Are Good Things (Teched 2005 Australia)
Team Foundation Server: Check-in Policies
Hey Fred -- I'm off to Tech-Ed.
Problem Fixed in the Next Version!
Thus Spake Gaksloope: The future of browse and code
Winderrrr XP
Gradient Maker
Another Day for Mort
New Company, New Language, Same IDE...
Tip O The Day: Quit Buggin Me, Messenger.
VB,C#: Me My This That
Software Idea: Automatic ScreenShot Journal
Rule Number 1: Give Me Screenshots.
Spolsky Madness!
Enhance Reporting Services By Including A Function Library
Push a Bamboo Shoot Under Your Fingernails If You Use Windows Every Day And Didn't Already Know This Simple Fact
Visual Basic 6: Going... Going... Gone...
Four Thoughts For Friday
Are you seeking a .Net Role in Brisbane or Sydney?
Can Microsoft Reporting Services retrieve data from Oracle?
Usability in Visual Studio: Further Nitpickings of a Nitwit
Sure beats Northwind.
Impress your geeky colleagues with clever tips and hidden treasures
Award for the Silliest User Interface: Windows Search
Save Dog as Virtual Chicken
Coder to Developer: to the rescue again
Reporting services -- Tips and tricks
How to be depressed
Messagebox Marketing
Winnable Solitaire: Sink or Swim?
Clubbing the Crystal Dodo
The MVP Program Just Went Downhill :-)
'1954: A time when men mowed the grass wearing a tie.'
Your Help is Needed
MS Word -- Executive Edition
Lost In Translation
Signs of a bad web developer
Nobody Can Eat Fifty Eggs.
The Where, the Who and the Why of Steve Lombardi
Using Books for Support and Technical Elevation
Hungarian Polarity
How Microsoft Lost the Joel War
The um, Leon Test?
For the Love of God, Enter this Damn Competition Already!
Lowering the ceiling instead of the floor
Microsoft Crumbles Under Blogging Pressure
Fat Kid's PIN is '2751'
A Gift Bag For New Programmers...
Writer's Block, Geek-Block, and Procrastination
Getting A Longhorn Of Your Own
I have been bribed, so now I will blog.
You are NOT inadequate.
Going Full Circle: Using "Commands"
Roy's Competition: Some Suggested Add-Ins for Visual Studio.Net
amazon, blog, color, commandline, editor, games, google, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
Excel-Lite: Hey coder! This spreadsheet's for you!
I am not worthy
Stupid Code To The Rescue!
A few changes on the way
Court Fines Microsoft over Anti-Competitive Calculator
Why ".net" is crap.
<Rant topic='Hungarian'>Damn I get mad about stuff!
I'm rich!
'Try again after midnight'? Yeh, right!
Dogfooding Your Mother-In-Law
The four horsemen of the online apocalypse
Anti-Trust: bad geek movie
Rory Blyth style shout out to my homies
Nasty Tricksy Microsoft MVP Awards
Excel VBA: We hates it! We hates it! We hates it for ever and ever!
Einstein Quiz
An Open Letter to Technical Authors
.Net Remoting: the Quick and Dirty Guide
visual basic, editor, microsoft, UX, security, linguistics, tdd, amazon, [code], sql, commandline, functional
Don't you 'Dare' insult Microsoft
Definitive .Net and VB.Net Links
Ward Cunningham Joins Microsoft
Technical Year In review
SiteMap for secretGeek
blog, color, commandline, editor, education, guest column, html, linguistics, methodology, microsoft, ocr, tdd, tools, UX
Common Windows Shortcuts
Network Stuff
Underground XML
Visual Studio .Net Tips
"Dot-Net Awareness" Day!
Dot Net Rookie Mistakes
How to write a novel
Refactoring With Whidbey
Essential Software for Geeks and Power Browsers
The secretGeek Mailing List
Lessons From Bill Gates
(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)