Category: regex
(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)
The Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon
amazon, australia, blog, [code], commandline, facebook, functional, games, google, hanselman, html, it industry, javascript, mercurial, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, social network, tools, twitter, UX
The little known beauty of .ensure files
Pun-a-day service
hgs: Manage Lots of Mercurial Projects Simultaneously
aaron swartz: the early works
I see you're using vim. Let me fix that for you.
SQL Style Extensions for C#
Really deep linking: Url + regex
Low Frustration Tolerance: Curse and Blessing
8 ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.
Give and Take in the Software Industry
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, color, commandline, editor, education, food, functional, google, html, it industry, legal, mercurial, microsoft, productivity, regex, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, visual basic, working blue
More about the wiki adventure game...
Don't Forget The Caret^ and the $tick
General Purpose Programming Language... Good For Nothing?
blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, ideas rat, it industry, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, regex, [ruby], sql, tools, UX, visual basic, working blue
World's Simplest Code Generator: implemented in pure Javascript
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, tools
Scheming on the Pocket PC
Is there a general solution to string templating?
blog, [code], commandline, html, ideas rat, linguistics, nimbletext, powershell, regex, sql, working blue
Remove empty lines from a file using Powershell.
Stop Rolling Your Own CSV Parser!
XML isn't a mark-up language.
blog, [code], css, html, javascript, linguistics, productivity, regex, [ruby], sql, visual basic, working blue
Another Day for Mort
Regex versus Messenger
Programmer's Purgatory
XPLT: eXtensible Parser Language Transformations
Excel-Lite: Hey coder! This spreadsheet's for you!
Royo on TV?
ASP and the Tower of Babel
Definitive .Net and VB.Net Links
Essential Software for Geeks and Power Browsers
(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)