Category: tdd
(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)
CSS Variables are cool
html, tools, podcast, blog, color, UX, microISV, tdd, [code], javascript, nimbletext, ideas rat, css
Rediscovering the Amstrad CPC 6128
Test Driven Dentistry Is A Good Thing
Further proof that testing is for wimps and bad programmers
8 ways to be a better programmer in 6 minutes.
Give and Take in the Software Industry
apple, atwood, blog, coffee, color, commandline, editor, education, food, functional, google, html, it industry, legal, mercurial, microsoft, productivity, regex, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, visual basic, working blue
4 Types of Person (a guide to stupidity)
baby steps in microsoft robotics studio...
apple, [code], commandline, editor, education, functional, games, html, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, robots, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, UX
A to Z of Software Methodologies
Behavior Driven Development: As Human As Possible
Revolutionary (versus Evolutionary) Code Generation
MicroISV: Step 4 of 25 -- Basic Website Content
agile, blog, editor, education, html, linguistics, microISV, movie, sql, sysadmin, tdd, tools, UX, working blue
Test-Driven Hypocrisy? Who tests the test?
Agile and Test-Driven: A Marriage Made In Hell?
The Macho School Of Programming
Never Pay For Application Development Services Again
Is 'Agile' a religion? (or merely a cult)
Annotating Your Code with Simple Tests
Marked up: Finalists for the 16th Annual Jolt Product Excellence & Productivity Awards
agile, australia, editor, functional, google, it industry, microsoft, nimbletext, productivity, [ruby], security, sql, tdd, tools, UX
Copy, Copy, Copy, Paste: PowerToy Needed.
the Best of secretGeek
amazon, blog, color, commandline, html, javascript, methodology, microsoft, nimbletext, ocr, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
You are NOT inadequate.
Roy's Competition: Some Suggested Add-Ins for Visual Studio.Net
amazon, blog, color, commandline, editor, games, google, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
<Rant topic='Hungarian'>Damn I get mad about stuff!
.Net Remoting: the Quick and Dirty Guide
visual basic, editor, microsoft, UX, security, linguistics, tdd, amazon, [code], sql, commandline, functional
SiteMap for secretGeek
blog, color, commandline, editor, education, guest column, html, linguistics, methodology, microsoft, ocr, tdd, tools, UX
Encrapulation Considered Harmful
Refactoring With Whidbey
(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)