You are NOT inadequate.
It is about time someone told you!
- You do NOT have to refactor all your code.
- You do NOT have to keep up with the latest news from microsoft, and know everythnig there is to know about longhorn, whidbey, avalon, XAML, indigo and star wars III.
- You do not have to have perfectly de-coupled tiers in your technology independent SOA software.
- You do not have to comply to every standard, achieve the perfect balance between maintainability and performance. Usability and familiarity.
- You don't have to do "first things first every day"
- You DO NOT have to memorize and understand every patten the gang of four have catalogued.
- You do NOT have to read every technical blog, print out every technical article and learn every technical thing there is to learn.
- You are beautiful just the way you are.
- You are brilliant, interesting, wise and fun to be around.
- You rock.
And you are not inadequate.
Reading too many blogs and technical books can sometimes lead you into a mindset where you think you are so far technically inferior to these 'great minds of redmond' -- but you probably do an excellent and practical job, just as you are.
so keep happy, kiddo.
secretGeek recommends:Feeling Good, by Dr David Burns
My book "Choose Your First Product" is available now.
It gives you 4 easy steps to find and validate a humble product idea.