Windows Search in Japan

Many years ago, when the internet was young, when blogging was fashionable, and when Joel Spolsky was still cool, I had one of my blog articles published in a book, "The Best of Software Writing Volume I"
'Volume I' was an optimistic title -- there never was a Volume II. Software writing in general was already headed downhill rapidly -- and clearly that volume represented the zenith of the artform.
A strange myth arose. Apparently, Japan as always, was ahead of the game and put out a translated edition of the work, 3 years before the English edition reached the market.
Recently, I sent a member of secretGeek's research team on a field trip to Japan, in order to capture photographic evidence of the rumoured Japanese translation. It's a little blurry, but it gives the idea.
So here it is, 'Award for the Silliest User Interface: Windows XP Search', in the original Japanese:

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