Cosmo: project status panel

cosmo, build chicken and build killer

At work we've now got a dedicated machine for displaying the project status at a glance.

Someone suggested we use Leapstream's ScoreBoard to monitor Hudson (the CI system we use), but we found there were more things we wanted to show than just the build status.

So we built an MVC application called 'Cosmo' that combines build status, number of bugs/stories remaining in the iteration, and a count down to the next release.

This thing is visible from the whole length of the floor. Ah the hilarity that ensues.

It's not exactly production-ready code but it does the job.

We've also got gource (and code_swarm) visualizations of our source repository (thanks to the guy ducking out of the way in the photo above) and, soon we should have a build lamp hooked up via X10.

These are the things that matter.


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