Winderrrr XP

Here's a usability goof in windows xp. And I'm not making this up.

I walk up to the computer and here's what's on the screen:

Shazoleon has 1 program running. Running too many programs can slow down your computer. If your computer is running more slowly than normal, try closing some programs.

Let me repeat that, in text, for those with screen readers:

i  {Username} has 1 program running

Running too many programs can slow down your computer.
If your computer is running more slowly than normal, try
closing some programs.

One program! One! Yet they recommend a little less of that crazy multi-taskng.

i  {Username} has 1 program running

We are windows xp. We are smooth. Uncluttered.
We are windows xp. All your thread belongs to us.
We are smooth. Uncluttered.


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