Brisbane .Net Developers: Interested in MOSS integration or K2 Workflow?
A company just around the corner from where I work is looking to build up a strong team of .net developers.
The company is called Image Process Solutions and they're leaders in Record Management, Document Management, "Compliance", and the sort of workflow that these activities entail.
If you're an experienced .net developer in the Brisbane region -- get in contact with them via the phone number on their contact us page or email with a resume and an action packed cover letter.
I've spent a bit of time talking to these guys about what they do. They're early adopters and deep integrators with MOSS 2007, K2 Black pearl and another big-end-of-town product called Meridio. And my microsoft contacts tell me that IPS are the best in Australia at this kind of work.
If you do go along -- then say hi to Desmond, and tell 'em Leon sent ya.

(August 30, 2007)
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