How To Win At Negotiation

In case you can't read the text: there are two separate news stories within two hours of each other.
The first headline is:
OLPC... seeks a truce with Intel [1]
and the second, two hours later reads:
OLPC says Intel is a backstabber[2]
Okay i'm not sure what the lesson is. Here's three possibilities:
- Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of One Laptop Per Child, makes so many tangential statements that you can interpret him any way you want
- Journalists aren't exactly straight shooters
- Breakups are messy.
Anyway I saw an XO in the flesh today [note, an XO
is the first model of laptop built for the One Laptop Per Child project], thanks to JCooney (or one of the Cooneys). Nifty gadget, let me tell ya! I was suprised at how tiny it is.

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