Growing Up Geek (A Hanselmeme)
Scott Hanselman posted up a picture of himself as a young Hanseldork and then tagged myself and others in hope that we'd perform the same kind of self-humiliation.

That's what Scott looked like ---->
I'd like to think that I wasn't so geeky as all that. Kids that looked like Hanselman? I used to beat them up and steal their code.
Perhaps, now that i think of it, i was a little bit nerdy.
Is it nerdy for an 8 year old kid to spend lunchtime playing chess against the librarian? Is it nerdy to read and write elvish runes?
Perhaps my big brother Jeb had a touch of the nerd. He taught me binary, boolean logic, and he taught me to program in Basic on the beloved Amstrad CPC 6128.
I asked him the other day whether the CPC6128 booted straight into Basic, or there was an intermediate OS. Here was his response:
The programming commands available right from ON comprised "Amstrad BASIC".
The disk-related commands such as SAVE, CAT etc comprised "AMSDOS".
We had to put a special disk in and type |CPM [i.e bar + CPM] to get the CPM operating
system. That's what we used for formatting or disk-to-disk copying. Some
games ran on CPM so were launched by putting that game's disk in and
executing |CPM. Most games and programs were executed with RUN
Ahhhh, takes me back.
(In contrast, the Apple IIes at CBC [i.e. at school] always defaulted to booting from
whatever 5.25" floppy was in drive A - with B spare for a data disk. In
those puppies you had to hold a switch on the back on startup for them to
go into command-line AppleBASIC.)
To fulfill the requirements of this meme, i ought to include a picture of what I looked like as a child. Here it is:

Not too dorky. Of course now that I'm grown up I look far more suave:

Smoking is cool, right?
To spread this viral meme I'd like to tag Justice Gray, JoCo Loco, Joel Pobar, the BronJohn collective and, for his sins against F#, Paul Stovell.
How about you? Grow up dorky? What's your story?
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