More Animal Monitoring

Number of Baby Quails hatched at Leon's place, per day

Date# Quails
20 August(0)
19 August(2)
18 August(0)
17 August(0)
16 August(0)
15 August(0)
14 August(0)
<=13 August(0)

Those tiny yellow fur-bundles look very frail. Hopefully they'll survive the harshness of the Brisbane Winter.

And it looks like Farmer Jeb's egg monitoring website has had a bit of an overhaul. Collected data now include egg weights which should help appease the appetite of even the most demanding egg analysts.

Google have had a big week with a reduced IPO price and then a good market rally after go-live. I wonder how the secretGeek IPO will go? I expect the forthcoming improvements to the logo will whack a few billion onto the estimated value.


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