"What's your solution?"

[my bad... as Douglas points out in the content... this isn't the password, just a flag]I don't think I've ever seen such a brilliant error message, as one I just found at solucija.com

It not only includes the connection details.... but the PASSWORD TOO!!!

I love the site's slogan:

uh, my solution involves *not* telling everyone my password.

screenshot displaying password and username (although ive pinked them out here... i was feelin real generous)

This is a bit like a situation mike pope wrote about back in August.

Anyway, this all started because i was reading that OWSD (popular home of free website templates) is down, and has been for a while now.

A Mirror of the content is now up, and some designers giving out free templates are listed by Andreas Viklund, and some of Andreas's designs are also available. There's a File repository available too, if you're interested.


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