Is 'Agile' a religion? (or merely a cult)
The ever-entertaining Steve Yegge (see also) put out an instantly notorious blog post last week, Good Agile, Bad Agile in which he says that Agile is a new age religion. My attention span waned before I completed the article, but it got me thinking: is it really a religion? Or is it merely a cult?
Back in high school i was taught that there are six dimensions to a religion, to wit:
- doctrinal
- ritualistic
- experiential
- ethical
- mythical
- social
And if you lack any of those aspects, you're a cult, at best.
So how does Agile stack up? Cult or Religion?
Let's look at Ninian Smart's 'six dimensions of religion' one at a time.
- doctrinal :: Yep! books galore, and prescriptions aplenty.
- ritualistic :: Yes! Many rituals, from stand up meetings to pair programming, even refactoring can be seen as a ritualised behaviour.
- experiential :: Indeed! Strong emphasis on members experiencing benefits by following the rituals and doctrines (i.e. not just an academic topic).
- ethical :: Definitely! see the agile manifesto
- mythical :: Maybe. Agile is full of stories, but are they myths? I'll address this below.
- social :: Definitely! Emphases on interaction, collaboration at every level. Many conferences, lectures and social gatherings.
Is there a 'Mythology' in Agile?
This is bound to be a touchy subject. The more I've looked into the meaning of the word 'myth' the more I've seen conflicting opinions. Can anything ever match all of these conflicting definitions? Are there any stories in the Agile world that qualify as myths?
(The following definitions are picked up from google. I've emphasized some of the more subjective terms)
- "an artificial history attempting to give a traditional meaning to a current issue"
- "An improvable story, almost always including incredible or miraculous events, that has no specific reference point or time in history"
- "A narrative in which some characters are superhuman beings who do things that 'happen only in stories'"
- "An ill-founded belief, usually based on limited experience, given uncritical acceptance by members of a group, especially in support of existing or traditional practices and institutions."
- "stories drawn from a society's history that have acquired through persistent usage the power of symbolizing that society's ideology and of dramatizing its moral consciousness"
I don't know enough about Agile to say if it meets some, none or all of those definitions. It's up to you then: Does Agile have a shared set of myths? If so, it's a religion. If not, it's a cult. I don't see any third option.
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Aargo on September 30, 2006 05:35 sez:
the way Agile proponents talk about 'waterfall' methodology, is a type of mythology.
pixie on September 30, 2006 05:40 sez:
i just realised that Ruby On Rails is a cult!!!!
Jonno on September 30, 2006 07:08 sez:
I think the "C3" project might qualify as a foundation myth -
Wesley Shephard on October 03, 2006 10:13 sez:
"stories drawn from a society's history that have acquired through persistent usage the power of symbolizing that society's ideology and of dramatizing its moral consciousness"
Why yes, Jonno is correct: C3 *is* the foundation myth.
Now excuse me, I'm off to a refactoring revival.
mat roberts on February 03, 2009 13:27 sez:
A number of the key agile proponents are keen on story telling. Its an effective way to get your point across after all. To my mind the stories often take on a mythical form e.g.
Jason Hoffman on December 12, 2011 00:47 sez:
My coworkers tell me stand up meetings are for stupid people. My project manager also makes us end every morning meeting with a company chant. Am I in a cult or do I program computers for a government contractor?
Thank you,
Dave Ziffer on February 19, 2016 15:27 sez:
You may find my new article on this subject interesting: