Get On Up!

extra buttons, overkill

Okay, there's a lot of apps out there that will give you 'always on top' functionality for windows.

Most of them hardly rate, for a few reasons. Either they're time-limited-trials, or they include nag screens.

A lot of them work by adding extra buttons to the top right of every window. This is clever, but is overkill *big time*. (Screenshot of 'Actual Title Bars' trial apps, from 'Actual Tools'. (This tool lets you specify different buttons for every app on your system. Really impressive stuff, but too much hard work this little geek)

ontop.exe from planetscott

My favourite tool in this arena is also the simplest.

'OnTop.Exe' from 'PlanetScott'.

Rather than clutter up a window with extra buttons, it adds an item to the context menu (right click on the title bar, and you'll see an 'Always on top' option). This is less intrusive than the others, and a pretty decent solution.

It's four years old (100 in internet years), but still popular because of its simple approach.


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