the SecretMaker

I don't know what a "SecretMaker" is -- but i just found one on '' (see image on far right) and i like the name.
Another groovy piece of software just released, the treeGx [image at near right] from Dev Components. check it out.[found at the daily grind]
We listed timeSnapper at yesterday, but apparently a 'free listing' takes about a fortnight to show up. So don't hold your breath. Meanwhile if *you* are a user of timeSnapper, why not blog about it and try and help it find it's audience.
Regarding timeSnapper, if you have any features requests (or bug reports) drop by the timeSnapper google group and share your ideas. Many new capabilities being added, and the output of the Icelandic Development Team (Atli!) is, as always, astonishing.
One more thing I've been reading about lately: Doug Engelbart, inventor of the mouse and pioneer of graphical user interfaces, the 'open hyper document system', online journals, online collaboration... a pretty amazing fella all round. Read Doug Engelbart's papers or Listen to the interview on nerdtv. Also, check out his original 1968 demo of the mouse (and other breakthroughs).
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