I went to write down a book name and founded an internet empire instead.

Yesterday Joel told me, 'hey you really should read "The Big Short" by Michael Lewis' -- and I thought, yes, I'll write that in my list of books I must get and when I have a chance I'll order it and all the other books in my list of books i must get.
Looking through my iphone I was shocked to find I don't even *have* a list of books I must get. I've got a list of which Woody Allen movies I haven't seen, and I have a list of which Jeeves and Wooster books I own (or own twice) so I don't accidentally buy them again (or again again), but no "Books I must get".
And I realised it's not just books that I keep forgetting. It's everything in our stupid materialist world. It's gadgets, music, movies, games, t-shirts, toys, gifts for my wife, baby stuff, apps, power tools -- a whole big fat materialist world full of stuff I must get, that, realistically i'll never get, but which my inner taxonomist wouldn't mind having a list of somewhere.
Suddenly, before I could stop them, my hands had rushed off and spent 9.95 to buy all of the following websites...
- http://things.youmustget.com
- http://books.youmustget.com
- http://movies.youmustget.com
- http://games.youmustget.com
- http://gadgets.youmustget.com
- http://apps.youmustget.com
- http://stocks.youmustget.com
- http://software.youmustget.com
- http://dvds.youmustget.com
- http://jokes.youmustget.com
- http://vaccinations.youmustget.com
- http://tattoos.youmustget.com
- http://cars.youmustget.com
- http://piercings.youmustget.com
- http://hookers.youmustget.com
- http://starewarsstuff.youmustget.com
- http://drugs.youmustget.com
- http://websites.youmustget.com
- http://cakes.youmustget.com
- http://clothes.youmustget.com
- http://bikes.youmustget.com
- http://girlfriends.youmustget.com
- http://babystuff.youmustget.com
- http://diseases.youmustget.com
- http://travel.youmustget.com
- http://tshirts.youmustget.com
- http://shirts.youmustget.com
- http://wines.youmustget.com
- http://beers.youmustget.com
...and so on, because i bought 'youmustget.com'.
And now I have a slight dilemma. I already own too many urls that I'm not using (this brings my total internet empire to 11.5 sites) And I don't have time to execute on even the simplest ideas in my idea log.
So: how can I crank out a social recommendation/shopping app in under 5 bus trips!?
I want something that produces an output a little bit like this is why i'm broke dot com but where the recommendations come from people i respect, and with affiliate dollars flowing into my wallet on every recommended purchase. (And i'd like to come up with a less-sleazy way to monetize, if possible, but I do have to recoup that $9.95 somehow)
I've begun by creating a Trello board to capture all my ideas. I've got details for the home page, a products page, a user page, and a topic page. I've got a backlog of features that I won't implement at first, and I've got a list of ideas for what technology I'll use where. Next I'll put together some screen mockups and put them in front of my extended team of insult generators lunch buddies.
In the mean time I'll need to keep a cricket bat handy with which to repel the hordes of nodding VCs.
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It gives you 4 easy steps to find and validate a humble product idea.