Category: ideas rat
(See also: all categories or the complete list of articles)
CSS Variables are cool
html, tools, podcast, blog, color, UX, microISV, tdd, [code], javascript, nimbletext, ideas rat, css
5 minutes to import CSV to a database: What do you do?
twitter, html, editor, tools, microsoft, UX, microISV, powershell, social network, nimbletext, ideas rat, sql, commandline
How do you get things done?
twitter, html, working blue, agile, editor, it industry, blog, microsoft, UX, legal, security, education, amazon, apple, google, facebook, [code], social network, productivity, games, ideas rat, australia, commandline, functional
2017 by the Numbers
twitter, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, social network, productivity, nimbletext, ideas rat, functional
If Time Types were like Spatial Types
The Telepresent Man.
Just Wally
NimbleText: Origins
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, productivity, [ruby], social network, sql, toolbar, tools, twitter, UX, visual basic
Setting up email for your microIsv
The NO Visual Studio movement: Compiling .net projects in Notepad++
[code], color, commandline, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, microISV, nimbletext, productivity, sql, tools, visual basic
Using NimbleSet to compare lists
HOT GUIDS: A hot or not site for guids
SQL Style Extensions for C#
The Ultimate Agent of WERF Destruction
zen-coding: turn those CSS selectors upside down
Debugging: It's all about finding Albuquerque.
Is the remote control a thing of the past?
10 Simple Rules To Follow In Case Your Software Becomes Self-Aware
Your next text editor is... MetaNote!
apple, blog, [code], color, commandline, editor, google, hanselman, ideas rat, microsoft, podcast, powershell, toolbar, tools
MVC Zen Garden
Life is Upstream
TimeSnapper 3.2: What are you afraid of?
Alan Kay on 'The Camel has Two Humps'
A to Z of Software Methodologies
Undo, redo, predo, preundo
Coding Koan: the power of one
Workflow software: I'm calling the bluff.
secretGeek: Predictions for 2008
apple, [code], facebook, functional, google, ideas rat, it industry, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, social network
Nerdgasm 101
General Purpose Programming Language... Good For Nothing?
blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, functional, google, html, ideas rat, it industry, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, regex, [ruby], sql, tools, UX, visual basic, working blue
World's Simplest Code Generator: implemented in pure Javascript
blog, [code], color, commandline, css, editor, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, tools
Argument Modifiers: 'ref', 'out', 'params' and 'this'
Separation Anxiety
Perfect Productivity with TimeSnapper 2.4
'Reuse' Is Not Usable
blog, color, editor, google, html, ideas rat, it industry, javascript, security, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX, working blue
Is there a general solution to string templating?
blog, [code], commandline, html, ideas rat, linguistics, nimbletext, powershell, regex, sql, working blue
Why Simplicity Pays
Gunderloy, Spolsky, Atwood: three big idiots.
atwood, blog, cartoon, education, hanselman, html, ideas rat, microsoft, movie, ocr, productivity, [ruby], UX
Sexy New Version: TimeSnapper 2.1, we finally grow up
The Truth About Lisp
Concurrent Tautologys (all happening together at once)
amazon, blog, commandline, functional, hanselman, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, podcast, powershell, productivity, [ruby], tools
An Absolute Beginner's Babysteps In PowerShell...
[code], color, commandline, css, education, hanselman, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, nimbletext, patents, podcast, powershell, tools
TimeSnapper 2.0 is near to completion
a secretSneak to the quiet readers of secretGeek...
FTL: Faster than Light -- Functional Text Language
html, visual basic, working blue, tools, microsoft, color, linguistics, [code], javascript, ideas rat, css, functional
Where's my damn robot?
Pay Day for the Ideas Rat
html, editor, tools, blog, microsoft, UX, movie, apple, google, ideas rat, hanselman, australia, css
TODO Driven Development: Build-Integration
Thus Spake Gaksloope: The future of browse and code
Software Idea: Automatic ScreenShot Journal
Usability Rant: Visual Studio .Net
The Lord of the Keys
Save Dog as Virtual Chicken
How to be depressed
Need a definition? Use a dictionary, not Google.
Triggers: Very Good, or Very Bad?
Getting A Longhorn Of Your Own
Roy's Competition: Some Suggested Add-Ins for Visual Studio.Net
amazon, blog, color, commandline, editor, games, google, html, ideas rat, linguistics, microsoft, productivity, tdd, tools, UX, visual basic
Definitive .Net and VB.Net Links
(See also: All Years, all categories or the complete list of articles)