From 2025-03 back to 2011-09
March, 2024
Meanwhile on the Wiki
December, 2020
CSS Variables are cool
html, tools, podcast, blog, color, UX, microISV, tdd, [code], javascript, nimbletext, ideas rat, css
November, 2020
Stashy is a Really simple Key Value store
March, 2020
Tips For Working From Home
January, 2020
Productivity with Powershell: Grab your agenda from outlook as plain text
2019 By The Numbers
twitter, html, working blue, tools, blog, microsoft, color, microISV, amazon, apple, social network, productivity, javascript, games, australia, css
October, 2019
5 minutes to import CSV to a database: What do you do?
twitter, html, editor, tools, microsoft, UX, microISV, powershell, social network, nimbletext, ideas rat, sql, commandline
Desert Skies - exclusive inside information from the developers
July, 2019
What is NimbleText (a story about cheese)
Secrets of Mastering Excel
June, 2019
The Market for Ideas (and is contenteditable really terrible?)
a html quine
auto play
April, 2019
TimeSnapper for Mac: Beta Testers Needed
March, 2019
React is NOT ok
Using "ok" as a Project Control Room
February, 2019
Meetings: Are They Worth It?
January, 2019
The Visitor Effect
2018 By The Numbers
twitter, working blue, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, linguistics, amazon, social network, productivity, javascript, nimbletext, commandline, robots
November, 2018
Think you're clever? Can you name each of these CASING styles?
NimbleText is now a Machine Learning Platform
October, 2018
I have some feedback for you...
Convergent versus Divergent modes of thought
September, 2018
How do you get things done?
twitter, html, working blue, agile, editor, it industry, blog, microsoft, amazon, apple, facebook, [code], social network, productivity, ideas rat, australia, commandline, functional
June, 2018
Spy Codes: a code booklet to help your little spies
The Book Is Ready
May, 2018
Death to the Passive Voice
January, 2018
I'm .ok you're .ok: introducing folder profiles for bash and powershell
2017 by the Numbers
twitter, tools, blog, microsoft, color, UX, microISV, social network, productivity, nimbletext, ideas rat, functional
November, 2017
Your photos are a mess! Maybe this PowerShell script can help
October, 2017
How to Discuss the Important Things With Your Kids
Navigating at the command line
The value of realistic goals (with data)
September, 2017
How to get in the zone
Publishing on Amazon: Lakes Creek Adventures
June, 2017
Using Computers to Invent New and *Fun* European Style Board Games
March, 2017
Dadding 101: Give Your Kids A Trail of Codes To Break
The Ultimate Star Wars t-shirt
February, 2017
pushpop, a mental stack manager
January, 2017
Productivity Flowchart: 13 years in the making
2016 by the numbers:
November, 2016
Television Bankruptcy
6 different ways to run an core web application
October, 2016
Have you ever seen the International Space Station?
July, 2016
Teach kids (and adults) to master algebra with DragonBox
Improvements to the Way MessageBox works, in latest Service Pack for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1
June, 2016
Post Slackathon Wrap up
Less than 3 days until the Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon.
May, 2016
The Stupid Ideas Powershell Slackathon
amazon, australia, blog, [code], commandline, facebook, games, google, hanselman, html, it industry, javascript, mercurial, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, powershell, productivity, regex, social network, tools, twitter, UX
Hosting an infinite number of apps in the cloud for free, on your own domains.
March, 2016
How to Left Pad, for real
[code], it industry, javascript, legal, microISV, nimbletext, ocr, security, social network, tools, twitter
Today I Learned
npm is not just for node... npm is for EVERYTHING
February, 2016
Console Is Forever
The Secret Life of Connection Strings In Oracle! (Oracle DBA's Hate Me.)
[code], color, commandline, functional, linguistics, powershell, security, sql, sysadmin, UX, working blue
January, 2016
The beauty of .ensure files
The Laggard's Guide to Getting Started with 5 Using Yeoman.
australia, [code], commandline, css, editor, html, it industry, javascript, linguistics, microsoft, powershell, tools, UX
December, 2015
Persistence Framework for Accepting Nonsense.
October, 2015
Buying a car: A text adventure game.
Dungeon.css: Dungeon Generator
September, 2015
Mercurial Workflow with Branching
August, 2015
Fixing Keyboard Functionality on MacBook Air after Upgrading to Windows 10.
July, 2015
The Spectator Sport of Vendor Topping
June, 2015
Which Uri Encoding method should i use in C#/.net?
In search of brutal honesty
May, 2015
Writing Your First Mercurial Extension
You Feel The Blood Drain From Your Face (A DevOps story)
UPDATE a table using a JOIN to another table (or to itself)
The Zen of Telling Notepad++ That .Config Files are XML
April, 2015
How Businesses Are Actually Structured.
Launching the secretGeek Wiki
March, 2015
How can we do better?
February, 2015
Pun-a-day service
January, 2015
Love Me Two Times
December, 2014
A console.log() adventure
[code], color, commandline, editor, facebook, games, html, javascript, microISV, nimbletext, [ruby], social network, tools, twitter, working blue
Sweating the Small Stuff
amazon, atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, google, html, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, podcast, productivity, sql, sysadmin, tools, UX
November, 2014
What do comments mean?
October, 2014
Spaced Repetition Software... for Kids!
Solving An Air-gapped Traffic Mystery
Using the commandline to write a book
September, 2014
NimbleSET 2.0: Death to the VLOOKUP!
Clients From Hell
Hacking Hyperink (aka. changing the font-size of an Epub on Kobo)
How Bundling Doubled The Income of ''
Your First Product
August, 2014
SimCity Drug Wars in the Real World
Two Flies! Bet Now!
Boothby, a personal database
The Nimble Bundle
July, 2014
Need an idea? Let me give you one:
A Dashboard For Everything and Everything on a Dashboard
Internet's Last Classic ASP Website Finally Upgraded
The dumbest thing that could possibly work
June, 2014
If Time Types were like Spatial Types
April, 2014
The Canine Pyramid
Humans: A Tragedy.
February, 2014
OfficeQuest... Gamification for the Office Suite
January, 2014
New product launch: NimbleSET
Programming The Robot from Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Happy new year 2014
November, 2013
Downtime as a service
September, 2013
The Shape of Your Irrationality
This is why I don't go to nice restaurants any more.
August, 2013
A flowchart of what programmers do at work all day
The Telepresent Man.
Interview with an Ex-Microsoftie.
CRUMBS! Commandline navigation tool for Powershell
July, 2013
Little tool for making Amazon affiliate links
Extracting a Trello board as markdown
hgs: Manage Lots of Mercurial Projects Simultaneously
You Must Get It!
June, 2013
AddDays: A Very Simple Date Calculator
[code], color, commandline, it industry, javascript, microsoft, powershell, productivity, sql, tools
Google caught in a lie.
May, 2013
NimbleText 2.0: More Than Twice The Price!
A Computer Simulation of Creative Work, or 'How To Get Nothing Done'
April, 2013
NimbleText 1.9 -- BoomTown!
Line Endings.
March, 2013
**This** is how you pivot
Art of the command-line helper
February, 2013
Go and read a book.
Slurp up mega-traffic by writing scalable, timeless search-bait
Do *NOT* try this Hacking Script at home
The 'Should I automate it?' Calculator
January, 2013
aaron swartz: the early works
Finding (and removing) duplicate files on your hard drive
November, 2012
Harvey, a .net chat server built with RabbitMQ
[code], color, commandline, css, functional, html, it industry, microsoft, movie, rabbitmq, security, sql, tools, UX
So your domain has been stolen. What now?
October, 2012
kv can remember it for you, wholesale
Hello IT Department
September, 2012
Dialog Between a Man and His Vista Laptop
NimbleText 1.6, Codename Jetboat
August, 2012
On Task Hoarding and Todo Bankruptcy
July, 2012
Developer UI Done Right: Mercurial Commandline!
May, 2012
Rediscovering the Amstrad CPC 6128
Just Wally
The Correct Order for a First Time Viewing of The Lord Of The Rings
March, 2012
A new era for Android.
January, 2012
Mind-boggling Demo of New Gaming Genre, aka Folder-Based Hangman, aka Fun with Recursion
November, 2011
Got CSV in your javascript? Use agnes.
I went to write down a book name and founded an internet empire instead.
September, 2011
NimbleText: Origins
atwood, blog, [code], commandline, css, editor, html, ideas rat, javascript, linguistics, microISV, microsoft, nimbletext, powershell, productivity, [ruby], social network, sql, toolbar, tools, twitter, UX, visual basic
The Windows 8 Mullet
(See also: All years or all categories or the complete list of articles)